Taos County, New Mexico

Tres Piedras Estates

Acreage Range ∞--∞ Acres
Price Range $∞-$-∞
Photograph of Hemingway Land Company property

Notes about Purchasing

The page you are currently reading is what we like to call a "master information page" which we create for subdivisions where we have a larger volume of inventory than normal. We provide this as a way to concentrate all of the available information about this region, and the properties within it, into one page where buyers can better learn about the zoning, road conditions, availability of utilities and any of the other salient details we feel a prospective landowner would want to know. We also use this page as a way to present important details about all of the available properties within the region, this way potential buyers won't have to click from listing to listing.

For anyone interested in purchasing land in the subdivision profiled here, we encourage you to read over the information provided to better compare and contrast individual listings and ultimately choose the one that is best for you. While you cannot purchase a specific property on this page, the table of available listings linked below will give you the opportunity to navigate to individual listings pages, where payments options will be presented, and purchases can be made.

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Subdivision Details

Location & Size


Tres Piedras Estates is located  just off Highway 64 roughly twenty minutes northwest of the vibrant community of Taos. Situated close to the slopes and trails of the world-famous Taos Ski Valley, this master-planned subdivision was platted out and pinned back in the 1960's with the vast majority of the region subdivided into half and quarter acre parcels.

Taos County, New Mexico

0.25 Acres

Tres Piedras


Legal Information


When we speak of property we typically use an address -- 123 Main Street for instance. 

As most vacant land does not have a physical address, however, county governments will identify it in other ways, such as a "legal description", a parcel number or a tax code. The information provided in the table to the right are the ways in which the various state and county agencies will identify this specific parcel of land. These signifiers are important to have when speaking with these agencies - whether they be the assessor, the zoning office, or even the local utilities - and may prove invaluable when initiating conversations about whatever research a buyer intends to do.

Whenever one exists or has been assigned to the land, the physical address will be included in this table.

See Individual Listing Pages

See Individual Listing Pages

See Individual Listing Pages

$5.00 per lot

Access & Utilities


Road Conditions: All parcels within the Tres Piedras Estates subdivision have legal access, as roads and easements were allowed for in the original Plats of the area. That said, in many circumstance a four-wheel drive or other off-road capable vehicle may be required to navigate some of the roads. As is to be expected, some areas are easier to get to than others, and some roads are easier to drive on than others. As most of the developed lots are concentrated closer to Highway 64, this is the region where the most people live and where the roads are trafficked most often. Because of this, these areas are usually easier to navigate. It's as you drive further north and south into the less developed regions, however, where roads have been maintained with less regularity. 

Gates & Access: It should be noted that a few gates can be found at the turn-off from Highway 64 into the subdivision. These gates, however, were built to "keep the cows in, not keep the people out." None of the gates are typically locked, and in the few instances that we've heard of one gate being locked, the next one up the road is usually unlocked. As there are numerous points of ingress and egress, one locked gate should never be a deterrent for access. People traveling through this area are simply expected to be good neighbors and shut the gates behind them as they drive into the subdivision.

Power: Power can be found nearby on the 64 and in some of the parcels closer to that highway, but city utilities have not yet been extended into the further parts of the subdivision, hence making solar energy a necessary but affordable solution.

Wells & Water Table: Due to the depth of the water table in this region, wells are generally considered either infeasible or prohibitively expensive and most residents rely on refillable tanks for their drinking water. It has been reported that there a few community wells in this region - meaning someone owns a well and let's other residents purchase water from them - but we have never been able to confirm this or find the contact information for the well owners.


See Individual Listing

See Individual Listing


Catchment System or Holding Tank


Zoning & Restrictions


While the town of Taos has numerous zoning ordinances and restrictions, Taos County has very relaxed zoning laws, particularly in rural areas like this. Tres Piedras Estates is zoned County Rural Area, a fairly permissive designation which, amongst other things, allows a person to park an RV and live out of it for 180 Days even without a building permit. This fact alone makes the area ideal for anyone with an RV looking for land they can vacation to, camp on, or park and live on for a long time without being hassled by local officials. This also makes the area fitting for other "off-grid" dwellings such as earth ship homes, tiny homes, shipping container homes, etc.

If you're purchasing land to build you should check with the county zoning office to learn what permits are required on land smaller than 3/4 of an acre.

Disclosure: Prospective buyers are encouraged to keep in mind that while Taos County has very relaxed zoning, land in this region will still be subject to state-wide laws, building codes and environmental regulations. This is especially true as it pertains to how waste is disposed of and wells are drilled and installed. The NM EPA oversees septic permits and the State Engineer is responsible for well permits and are two organizations you or your contractor will deal with eventually. State regulations aside, however, Taos County remains one of the most ideal places in New Mexico for developing land with as few ordinances to conform to as possible.

County Rural Area





Title Info


Free & Clear





Special Warranty Deed

Notary Close


Helpful Links


The Hemingway Land Company does our best to represent the properties we list as accurately as possible. Our research, however, will always be limited. 

Because of this, included in the table to the right is a list of the relevant state and county governments, agencies and authorities as well as local utilities (and all their respective websites and contact information) which should help to answer any questions a buyer may have about developing this specific property.

Whenever possible it is best to speak with these agencies first as they will always be a far greater source of information about the local region and the regulations which govern it. 

(575) 737-6360
(575) 737-6440
(505) 827-2855
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here



Master List Of Properties: Hemingway Land has bought and sold hundreds of lots in the Tres Piedras Estates subdivision and we typically boast a revolving door of property here. Anyone looking to expand their parcel boundaries is encouraged to review our master spreadsheet of past and current inventory to see if we have now or have had in the past land which is adjacent to yours. NOTE: Adjacent lots are best identified by knowing the Unit/Block/Lot of your own property.

Parcel Size Per Unit: Tres Piedras Estates was subdivided into nine Units of land. Units 1-5 are all half acre parcels and Units 6-9 are all quarter acre parcels.

Unit Locations: Unit 1, 2, 3 and 7 are located north of Highway 64. Units 4 and 5 are located south of Highway 64. Units 6 and 8 are located closest to the highway and tend to straddle both the north and south sides. Unit 9 is - for some reason unclear to us - located five miles east of the rest of the subdivision.

Parcel Sizes: It should be noted that because this region was first subdivided almost entirely into half and quarter acre parcels, it is very difficult to find larger acreage here. For those looking for anything bigger than a half acre of land you'll need to purchase adjacent lots which total the amount of land you're looking to develop. Prospective buyers should be aware, however, that combination lots are very difficult to come by here and the larger the property you require, the less likely it is to exist. While Hemingway Land has sold a number of adjacent lots in this region that is the exception and not the rule in a subdivision platted like this one. In circumstances where we have two neighboring lots, they will always be sold together as they are inherently more valuable. 

Photography Disclosure: Unlike our other listings, the properties being sold in Tres Piedras Estates are being represented with photos from different regions of the subdivision and are not property-specific. As Hemingway Land has purchased and had photographed so many parcels throughout this area - and because there is little observable difference in the roads, topography and scenery - we have elected to reuse past photos. It should be noted, however, that this is not something we would do if we didn't feel confident this was an adequate representation of the region. Any prospective buyer looking for a more precise sense of the exact parcel is welcome to scout any property we have in inventory. 


Subdivision FAQ

No. This entire area was subdivided over sixty years ago into quarter acre and half acre lots. There is nothing larger, and the only way to get something larger is to purchase adjacent lots. 

Only where listed. If we have two quarter acre lots that are adjacent and could equal one half acre lot, we will sell them that way. The same goes for two adjacent half acre lots that would total one acre.

If you look at the property list on this page, you’ll see the Legal Descriptions of the properties. These are written logically. Unit 1, Block 1, Lot A would be adjacent to Unit 1, Block 1, Lot B. So on and so forth. If you’re looking at two properties wondering if they’re adjacent, simply review the legal descriptions.


The lots closest to the Highway (the 64) have the best road conditions because they’ve been traveled the most. The further north and south you go throughout this subdivision, the less traversed, and hence, more challenging you should expect the roads to become. Our understanding is that while some of the roads in this region may be overgrown or unmaintained, nothing is too difficult to navigate in a large truck or off-road vehicle. 

The only gates are along the highway (the 64) and these were built, as we say, to “keep the cows in, not keep the people out.” None of the gates are typically locked, and in the few instances that we’ve heard of one gate being locked, the next one up the road is usually unlocked. As there are numerous points of ingress and egress, one locked gate should never be a deterrent for access. People traveling through this area are simply expected to be good neighbors and shut the gates behind them as they drive into the subdivision.

Anything in Units 3, 6 and 8.

Anything in Units 1 and 5.


No. While Taos County Planning & Zoning has a lot to say about how land is used within the town of Taos and the surrounding residential communities, they are fairly laid back about the use of real property within this subdivision. This is why so many people tend to create ‘alternative’ or ‘unconventional’ housing situations out here like tiny homes, earth ship homes and shipping container homes.


According to the Taos County zoning ordinance, people are allowed to park/live/camp in their RV for up to 180 Days. And with that said, it’s questionable anyone is enforcing this timeline.

That’s the conventional wisdom, yes, but the reality is there are numerous “work-arounds” when it comes to getting permits to build. Most of the “¾ acre restrictions”, particularly in regards to septic installation, have to do with New Mexico Environmental Law. Numerous “green” alternatives, however, have been created in recent years which may make it easier or more affordable to circumvent the traditional septic system regulations. For further questions about this, we recommend you explore the NM EPA’s website here or contact their offices at (505) 827-2855.

Our understanding is that for lots under ¾ of an acre, septic options may include Advanced Treatment Units, Split Flow Systems and ET Beds. All buyers, however, are strongly encouraged to contact the NM EPA with specific questions about septic systems, septic installation, proper permitting, etc. Additionally, if your intention is to build on the land, you may want to address your questions to vendors in the local Taos County region.

Probably, but questions like this are best addressed to the Taos County Planning & Zoning office, whose number is (575) 737-6440.

Not throughout the subdivision, no, but obviously the closer you get to the highway and other homes, the closer you’ll get to power and hence, the more affordable it may be to get power extended to your property. It should be noted, however, that solar panels and other alternative forms of energy are very popular in this region.

Our understanding is that the water table is quite deep out here. It may not be impossible to drill a well though it may be prohibitively expensive.

Holding tanks and rainwater catchment systems are popular alternatives and are used quite a bit in this region. We’ve heard of a communal well that exists out here where residents can pay a nominal fee for a gallon of water. That being said, we can’t substantiate this, and all buyers are encouraged to investigate this potential source of water on their own.

Having no first-hand experience with it ourselves, we can’t speak to this issue directly. That being said, we’ve had a number of people scout properties in this region and no one has ever reported any problems using their smart phones to locate the lots. Additionally, it’s our understanding a cell tower exists very close by and that wi-fi out here is surprisingly reliable. 

Yes. Please do. We encourage anyone who’s going to buy from us to view the land they’re interested in prior to purchase.

No. We’re investors, not realtors. Additionally, we have no office in New Mexico nor staff on standby waiting to give people guided tours.

It’s easy. Each listing page will have an interactive map you can study to locate both the property as well as the best route to take to access it. In addition, there are a number of mapping apps which can help with locating vacant land or land which doesn't have a formal address. MapRight is one our photographers use all the time and recommend highly. 

In addition, anyone purchasing from us will be provided with GPS coordinates for the four corner points and center of the parcel. While these are not a substitute for having the land professionally surveyed, they can provide a reasonable sense of the property's location.


Not recently and not by us, no.

This entire region was platted out years ago. Stakes or pins may have been used to mark property boundaries but it’s questionable whether they still exist or can be found. While they may be there, we’re not making that guarantee to our buyers.

The GPS coordinates we give you to locate the lots are fairly accurate and should get you to a location that will give you an excellent sense of precisely what chunk of land it is that you’d be buying. For a specific sense of where the lot begins and ends, it is ultimately best to hire a local surveyor.

Three reasons:

1 - For our purposes of creating listings, we have software that tells us everything we need to know about the property’s size, shape and location.

2 - We never know if our end buyer will want or require a survey.

3 - If the survey costs us $1,000 we’re simply going to increase the price of the land $2,000. Hence, it’s ultimately cheaper for the buyer to pay for the survey themselves.

No. Because the county never digitized their plat maps these only exist in paper form. Additionally, each Unit of Tres Piedras has roughly 1,000+ lots in it. This makes the paper plat maps large, unruly, and not particularly helpful (think of a wall-sized poster). We obtained copies by ordering them from the Taos County Clerk’s office for ten dollars per unit but we do not have multiples we can give away for free.

Simply click the ‘Buy Now’ button at the top of the listing page of the property that interests you most. 

Yes. We are currently offering affordable financing options on all of our Tres Piedras Estates properties of $300 Down + $100/Month x 18 Months with 90 Days Same As Cash.

Only if you pay it off as slowly as humanly possible.

When financing is offered, our contracts contain only pre-payment incentives and no pre-payment penalties.

Additionally, every contract will come with a 90-Days-Same-As-Cash clause.

To see an example of one of our generic land contracts, click here.

If you pay us all the money at once, it will be deeded into your name immediately. If you elect to finance the land, we will not deed it into your name until such a time as all the payments have been made. Until that time, the land contract will be the document that demonstrates your equitable interest in the property.

As soon as you give us money, it’s yours to do with as you please.

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