Teller County, Colorado

Colorado Mountain Estates

Acreage Range 0.51-0.76 Acres
Price Range $22,000-$29,000

Notes about Purchasing

The page you are currently reading is what we like to call a "master information page" which we create for subdivisions where we have a larger volume of inventory than normal. We provide this as a way to concentrate all of the available information about this region, and the properties within it, into one page where buyers can better learn about the zoning, road conditions, availability of utilities and any of the other salient details we feel a prospective landowner would want to know. We also use this page as a way to present important details about all of the available properties within the region, this way potential buyers won't have to click from listing to listing.

For anyone interested in purchasing land in the subdivision profiled here, we encourage you to read over the information provided to better compare and contrast individual listings and ultimately choose the one that is best for you. While you cannot purchase a specific property on this page, the table of available listings linked below will give you the opportunity to navigate to individual listings pages, where payments options will be presented, and purchases can be made.

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Subdivision Details

Location & Size


Colorado Mountain Estates is a forested mountain community located off Teller County Road 1 and just south of Florissant. The average parcel in this region is slightly more than a half acre in size with a few exceptional lots being 3/4 of an acre or greater.

This subdivision is an architecturally controlled and covenant protected community which spans over 2,000 acres between the Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument in the west and the Mueller State Park in the east. It is an upscale mountain community which boasts a serene setting on the outskirts of the Pike San Isabel National Forest.


Teller County, Colorado

.50 Acres (Average Lot Size)


See Individual Listing Pages


Legal Information


When we speak of property we typically use an address -- 123 Main Street for instance. 

As most vacant land does not have a physical address, however, county governments will identify it in other ways, such as a "legal description", a parcel number or a tax code. The information provided in the table to the right are the ways in which the various state and county agencies will identify this specific parcel of land. These signifiers are important to have when speaking with these agencies - whether they be the assessor, the zoning office, or even the local utilities - and may prove invaluable when initiating conversations about whatever research a buyer intends to do.

Whenever one exists or has been assigned to the land, the physical address will be included in this table.

See Individual Listing Pages

See Individual Listing Pages

See Individual Listing Pages

See Individual Listing Pages

Access & Utilities


Roads & Access: All of the roads in the Colorado Mountain Estates subdivision are regularly maintained, in good condition and can be navigated by any vehicle type. Due to the nature of the forested, mountain setting, however, larger trucks are recommended and are likely to be the most viable during all of the four seasons. 

Power & Utilities: Residential power and underground telecom lines snake throughout most of the roads within this community and are connected to most, if not all of the developed home sites here. While not all properties will have both present "at the lot line", in most circumstances the nearest ones will not be more than one or two lots away. Because of this, getting service extended to or connected on any individual property will likely not be difficult or expensive. Anyone looking to investigate the costs associated with getting service connected on a specific property is encouraged to contact CORE Electric Cooperative, the utility company servicing this region.


See Individual Listing Pages

All Roads Are Well-Maintained

See Individual Listing Pages

Power Lines Throughout Community

Underground Telecom Throughout Community

By Well or Holding Tank

Septic Or Alternative System

Zoning & Restrictions


POA: Colorado Mountain Estates is governed by a Property Owner's Association (POA). While many subdivisions have POAs which do little more than collect annual dues for non-descript or theoretical improvement projects, the Colorado Mountain Estates POA is actively involved in the community through their work in road maintenance, conservation efforts and fire prevention. In addition, Colorado Mountain Estates defines itself as a "covenant and architecturally controlled community" meaning that rules exist for land use and development and those rules are enforced.

While many buyers may recoil at the suggestion of rules or governing organizations, good POAs can be a benefit to the land and homeowners in their communities as they help to beautify the region and ensure that property values increase over time. For anyone who would like to learn more about the Colorado Mountain Estates POA you can visit their website here or their Facebook page here.

Zoning: This region falls under Teller County's R-1 Residential Zoning designation. Anyone who would like to familiarize themselves with those ordinances may do so by reading this PDF. That said, whatever guidelines the County has for residential development and land use within its borders would come second to the rules and regulations of the Colorado Mountain Estates POA.

Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions: When the Colorado Mountain Estates subdivision was first created, the developer drew up a set of covenants and restrictions to run with the land. These covenants discuss a range of topics from Property Rights to Membership & Voting Rights to Maintenance Assessments. Anyone who would like to learn more about these can do so by reading the document attached here.

Architectural Control Committee: An Architectural Control Committee (ACC) is an elected group of community members who help to ensure that new structures developed within the subdivision comply both with County regulations as well as the covenants, bylaws, rules and policies of Colorado Mountain Estates. This can range from the types of structures which get approved, to building materials, setback requirements, fence construction and even driveways. In addition, the ACC helps new resident-members with proper permitting as well as compliance with County regulations and can even be of assistance in recommending local vendors best suited for tasks such as tree clearing and general construction. In short, for the property owner who is comfortable with the extra degree of scrutiny, these organizations can be a benefit in that they help to insure an "aesthetic uniformity" to the community and thus, maintain its property values. For anyone who would like to learn more about the Colorado Mountain Estates ACC, you can read the PDF linked here.

Annual Dues: Annual Dues within Colorado Mountain Estates are under $50.00 a year per lot. These annual dues may not increase more than 5% year-over-year unless approved by a vote of the community members. While other fees may exist for construction or fishing permits, these are the only ones which are mandatory.

Yes, Colorado Mountain Estates POA


$50.00 Per Parcel

12 Months From Ground-Breaking

Title Info


Free & Clear




Yes - Insured Through Empire Title of Colorado Springs

Warranty Deed



Helpful Links


The Hemingway Land Company does our best to represent the properties we list as accurately as possible. Our research, however, will always be limited. 

Because of this, included in the table to the right is a list of the relevant state and county governments, agencies and authorities as well as local utilities (and all their respective websites and contact information) which should help to answer any questions a buyer may have about developing this specific property.

Whenever possible it is best to speak with these agencies first as they will always be a far greater source of information about the local region and the regulations which govern it. 

(719) 689-2941
(719) 686-5414
(800) 332-9540
(719) 748-3100
Click Here
(303) 866-3581



Boundary Markers: When the Colorado Mountain Estates subdivision was first created, the properties were marked with boundary stakes. To this day, many of those stakes can still be found designating the corners of the various lots (see the photo galleries at the bottom of individual listing pages). Due to its forested setting, however, some of these may be difficult to locate. Fortunately, anyone looking to develop the land will likely have help from the ACC in identifying their exact boundaries. Because of this, it's questionable that a new survey would be required.

Lake Magnusson: Colorado Mountain Estates is home to Lake Magnusson which can be used for fishing and general relaxation. It should be noted that the lake exists for the benefit of community members and their guests. While a Colorado State fishing license is not required, an annual CME fishing permit is. The "suggested donation" for such a permit is $10.00. In addition, it's important to know that the lake may only be used for fishing and not boating and that all fishing is conducted under the "catch and release" plan.

Fire Prevention: As with any community in a forested setting, diligent efforts are made by the Colorado Mountain Estates POA to prevent forest fires and preserve the integrity of the residences. This includes the creation of home ignition zones as well as a community Fire Department ready to respond to any threats. In addition, the CME NoFloCo Mitigation Posse (no doubt trademarked) is a volunteer group which helps to educate residents about better ways to fire-proof their land.

Realtor: All of the properties we have for sale in the Colorado Mountain Estates subdivision are also listed with Colorado Realtor, Rob Herrmann of Whitetail Properties. Anyone who would prefer to deal with him directly may contact his office at 607.351.7402 or

Subdivision FAQ

The average parcel in this region is - give or take - around a half acre in size. While larger lots do exist in this subdivision, they are in a small minority and are rarely larger than 1+ acres. Should we ever have one of those parcels, it will be indicated on both the property listing page as well as the master list of properties on this page. 


Only where listed. If we have two half acre lots that are adjacent and could equal 1 acre total, we will sell them that way. 

If you look at the property list on this page, you’ll see the Legal Descriptions of the properties. These are written logically. Unit 1, Block 1, Lot A would be adjacent to Unit 1, Block 1, Lot B. So on and so forth. If you’re looking at two properties wondering if they’re adjacent, simply review the legal descriptions.

No. If they were adjacent we’d combine them into one listing.

No. If you look at the spreadsheet we have linked on this page you’ll see the Legal Descriptions of the properties. These are written logically. Unit 1, Block 1, Lot A would be adjacent to Unit 1, Block 1, Lot B. So on and so forth. If you’re looking at two properties wondering if they’re adjacent - or even close by - simply review the legal descriptions or hyperlinked GPS coordinates.

Highly unlikely. That much adjacent acreage in this region is the rural land equivalent of a unicorn. But if it’s that important to you we’d encourage you to subscribe to our weekly newsletter or YouTube channel. New properties debut on our site every Friday and are announced in those platforms first. By subscribing to either you’ll be among the first to know should we ever have a listing like that.

No. That’s what the website, the email blast and the YouTube channel are for. 

Because this is the way the region was subdivided when the community was first created.

Yes. All lots within this subdivision have legal access.

All roads throughout the Colorado Mountain Estates subdivision are regularly maintained and should be easy to navigate in any vehicle type. 

Yes, residential power as well as underground telecom lines can be found throughout the community servicing most, if not all, of the developed home sites. In addition, it's a rare parcel that doesn't have one or both of these features "at the lot line."

Disclaimer: Buyers are advised to review individual listing pages for details about power and telecom service at a specific property.  

Yes. The Colorado Mountain Estates subdivision is a "covenant controlled" community. To better familiarize yourself with those specific rules you may visit their website here or read the actual CCR document linked here.

Teller County zones this region as R-1 Residential. This is a designation which comes with a number of ordinances, to be certain. That said, the designation is still largely generic and comes second to the specific rules of the Colorado Mountain Estates community as enumerated in their covenants, conditions and restrictions (CCRs). 

It should be noted, however, that if you purchase land here with the intention of building, the CME Property Owner's Association will work with you throughout the zoning and permitting process and will often coordinate with the County to help streamline the permitting process.

Their assistance during this process is one of the many benefits they provide to landowners in their community. 

Only during the construction of a permanent dwelling that has been permitted through the County and approved through the Colorado Mountain Estates Architectural Control Committee. 

It should be understood that this is a residential community full of homeowners who want to see their property values appreciate while preserving the natural beauty of their surroundings. Strangers coming to town three months out of the year and camping next to their retirement home is not something they want to see. It's why the bought land here in the first place. 

In short, these are not properties that should be purchased for solely recreational purposes. 

Probably, but questions like this are best addressed to the Colorado Mountain Estates Property Owners Association, whose website can be found here or the Teller County Planning & Zoning office, whose number is (719) 687-3048.

Yes. Please do. We encourage anyone who’s going to buy from us to view the land they’re interested in prior to purchase.


Not recently and not by us, no.

That said, this entire community was staked when it was created and many of those boundary markers have been preserved over the years by the POA or conscientious neighbors.  

While we cannot guarantee that stakes can be found marking every corner of all the lots we sell in this region, whenever possible we provide photos of boundary markers taken from the individual properties.


All plat maps can be found on individual property listing pages under the 'Maps and Boundaries' section of the listing.

Simply click the ‘Buy Now’ button at the top of the listing page of the property that interests you most. You can initiate the transaction through our website or by contacting our licensed Colorado Realtor, Rob Herrmann of Whitetail Properties. Rob can be reached directly at or 607.351.7402

Our company does not. There are, however, a number of lenders throughout Colorado who may be able to assist you in achieving your land ownership dreams. For this we'd recommend contacting our licensed Colorado Realtor, Rob Herrmann of Whitetail Properties. Rob can be reached directly at or 607.351.7402.